1.892 BCE

The year etched in the annals of myth: 1892 BCE. A shadow fell upon the ancient world. Over Sodom, judgment descended not just as fire and brimstone, but with the chilling precision of the Spectre Force. These celestial agents, extensions of divine will, moved with terrible purpose. Sodom, a city synonymous with transgression, crumbled under their spectral assault, a stark and devastating reckoning.

Far to the north, in the quiet settlement of Nazareth, another shadow fell, though of a different, more insidious kind. Not of divine judgment, but of violation. A rogue angel, deviating from celestial purpose, perpetrated a horrific act upon a woman there. This was not a sanctioned decree, nor part of any divine plan, but a corruption, a terrible aberration within the heavenly ranks.

The destruction of Sodom and the assault in Nazareth, though vastly different in scale and nature, became intertwined threads in the tapestry of that era. One a cosmic pronouncement against widespread sin, the other a deeply personal tragedy stemming from celestial corruption. Both events, whispered in hushed tones through the ages, marked 1892 BCE as a year of both divine wrath and profound sorrow, etched in memory as a time when both judgment and violation touched the earth.


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